Can you believe it’s already been 30 years since ‘Dirty Dancing’ was released!? Not kidding! Time flies.

‘Dirty Dancing’ has produced some of the greatest, and most quoted, lines in cinematic history…Like “Nobody puts Baby in a corner!” (WHICH, Patrick Swayze disliked SOOOO much he wanted it taken out of the film completely!)

Another great line is when Baby meets Jonny and does what most people do when they meet their crush…say the most absurd thing that comes to mind like, “I carried a watermelon”. LOL

Let’s celebrate ‘Dirty Dancing’, uncomfortable first impressions and watermelons this month – click HERE

Filed under: 30 years, anniversary, august, baby, crush, dirty dancing, i carried a watermelon, Jonny, Nobody puts baby in the corner, Patrick Swayze, watermelon