
In the wake of the sudden passing of Erin Davis’ daughter Lauren – Erin sends a message to you, our friends and family…

From Erin’s Journal at ErinDavis.com

If I had a single flower for every time I think of you, I could walk forever in my garden. [Claudia Adrienne Grandi]

Hello Dear Friend.

I feel I should write you a good-bye for now, as I will be taking leave of this space until my heart no longer feels filled to bursting with sadness, tears and the awful pain of being ripped away from my flesh, my own.

You will likely have heard by now our tragic news: our dearest, sweetest, kindest daughter Lauren went to sleep on Sunday night – her first Mother’s Day – and did not wake up to her baby’s cries and husband’s nudges on Monday.

The world will keep turning – a 7-month-old baby will grow surrounded by limitless love and support – and we will search forever to find answers to something that is so unspeakably wrong that none will ever suffice.

Thank you for reaching out through Twitter, on CHFI Facebook, in email. I will answer what I can, when I can. Know that I have seen them, and we’ve taken them in, as best we can.

In the meantime, Rob and I, Phil and our families need some time to try and make sense of the death of a healthy, happy, beautiful young mother.

Sounds like a lifetime, doesn’t it?

I’ll be in touch when I can. And thank you again. She was our world.

[Photo Credit: Lauren’s Facebook page]